Over the past few days, the Lord put something great on my heart that I’m happy to share with you ;)
Speaking with many Christian women, I can feel the longing within them to Lead! Is this you? Do you long for God’s power? Do you long for His presence in your life in a deeper way that you can’t explain?
Some women want to do what I’m doing in being a life coach or something similar. Others desire to do ministry of some sort. Some want creative businesses that will display God’s power in some form or fashion. No matter what the form is in how they want to carry out God’s influence over their life, the main desire that I sense so deeply is:
Desire to please God
Desire to walk in the Supernatural
Desire to help other people
I hear this so much so that God is calling me to answer to this call. There is so much to learn about the Lord that never ends. I don’t care how many sermons, messages, or teachings you’ve heard, God is endless and intricate. He’s detailed and extraordinary. You will never know too much.
However, I believe that we may tend to put limits on God that limit how we relate to Him and how we can enjoy our relationship with Him. Part of this comes from religious traditions with different denominations placing human constrictions on your life. But that’s for another time. I’m more interested in the Power of God and His presence.
I enjoy the Holy Spirit. I love being in His presence, chasing His presence, and calling on Him. I’m even challenged in my faith in learning about Him through real-life challenges, which can be frustrating yet rewarding.
This should be you too. By now, you should know that part of my brand is ‘Intimacy’. Whatever I write or talk about, it is always deduced to ‘Intimacy’. How else will you know Him and walk in His presence and power.
I am always in awe hearing and listening to the heart of Christian women. You love God so much. You want to sit on His lap and talk to Him. You want to hear from Him for your life. You want to know without a doubt that He’s there. And in this ever-changing world full of strife and wickedness, you can’t imagine living in a world without God. Neither can I. Oh, my goodness. If there is any time in the age of man to get closer to God, this is it!
If you can relate to any of this and this sounds like you, you are on the right track. Go hard for God Supernaturally! It’s not something that you have to wait for rather it is something that you must grow in. You are already Supernatural. Even before you accepted Christ, the Holy Spirit was tapping on your heart to get into your heart. Now, as a Woman of God, with Christ’s Spirit in you, you are already Supernatural.
You are equipped to meet with God; to be in His presence. You don’t need permission. You don’t need a leader though good leaders are wonderful. You don’t need a course. You don’t need a teaching though teachings can affect your life dramatically. My point is… All you need is You! You can be as powerfully as you want to be in God, the deeper you get, the higher you go. You don’t need a license or degree. You don’t even need a ministry. You're a born again Leader!
Christ didn’t start with a ministry. Ministry started with Him. His relationship with the Father was the ministry. From there, He prospered in more ways than one. Yes, they took His life but it was His plan; not the plan of others. Even in the end, He had power over how it all was to go down.
You are already a leader. You are already Supernatural. God hears your heart! I want to ignite your flame so that you solely as a Woman of God will be a storehouse of God’s presence and power; that you alone are a carrier of fire! You will torch sin and scorch the devil. You will breathe upon injustice and unravel problems. You will break down mountains. You will be a fury towards darkness and its supernatural monkeys. You will burn pains and bring love back to healing wounds. You will take back what belongs to God and give it to whom He wills. You will take up His staff and perform miracles that will have people to see God's presence up close and personal.
All you must do is walk with God! Stick to Him, no matter what you see or feel. You must dive into Him even when it looks like diving into Him isn’t working. You must be steadfast. You can’t give up on a moment’s disappointment. You must stay loyal no matter what. Even through a storm, God will show His great Hand in your life! Believe even when it looks like following Him is questionable. Believe even when you may look foolish in what you believed He’d do.
You want more? Give more! Go deeper! Get higher! Jesus is with you every part of the day. You can walk with Him, You can ignore Him, or not see Him at all. But your Supernatural nature depends on it. His name is Emmanuel. God is with You! Are you with Him?